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Clik here to view.“What do men want in a relationship?” If you’ve been through many failed relationships, I’m sure you already asked that question to yourself. So before you go further and begin to question your ability to maintain a long-lasting relationship, let us give you some of our insights…
Ditch the R&H
R&H simply means “ranting and hysteria.” Ladies, you have to understand that men are not really fond of emotionally charged confrontations. But one thing’s for sure, men like women who are capable of taking control of their emotions and take time to calm themselves before confronting them about something.
Remember: Discuss, not argue. There’s a difference.
Really Listen to Him
This is probably one of the major weaknesses of many women. It’s no wonder they don’t know what do men want in a relationship – because they don’t take time to really listen to them.
Like you, men have moments where they need someone to vent out their frustrations, share their deepest desires and darkest secrets, and talk about life in general. And when he feels you’re genuinely listening to him, he’ll feel good. And if he feels good about you and the relationship, he’ll want to stay longer.
Remember: Don’t listen in order to reply. Listen in order to comprehend.
Don’t Say the M Word Too Early
Yes, ladies, we are talking about marriage. Dropping hints about entering a long-term relationship, like marriage, might just scare the daylight out of him. Look, it’s not because he’s commitment phobic. Men just need to know for themselves that they’re truly ready to exchange their bachelor life with a domestic life.
Remember: A man loves a challenge. So when it comes to marriage proposal or making the relationship official, the idea and move should always come from him.
Break Time
As what they say, two people who are always together will eventually get on each other’s nerves. That’s why you should always give each other space. Let your man hang out with his friends or pursue his personal hobbies without you constantly calling or texting just to check on him.
Remember: This is your break time, too. So grab this opportunity to catch up with family and friends and do things that recharge you.
Maintain Your Attractiveness
As much as we want to say that looks don’t matter to men at all, we can’t. Men are visual animals…
BUT we are not saying you should look like a smoking hot model or undergo different cosmetic surgeries. What we are really trying to say is your man will like it if you take care of yourself, meaning, pay attention to your personal hygiene, physical fitness, health, etc.
Remember: Being attractive doesn’t only refer to physical looks. Men also find confidence and wit real attractive.
What do men want in a relationship? Admittedly, there are so many answers to that question since each man has their unique set of preferences. And this article just covers the basics of what do men want in a relationship.
For more information, insights and great advice from relationship experts, you can check our reviews on the Language Of Desire program or the Guy Magnet System – two of the most popular relationship and dating guides for women these days that cover this topic in details.
We hope that you learned a thing or two today and we wish you the best!
Shelby and Skylar